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Make Sure the Working Visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Head of Badung Police Checks the Route Followed


Make Sure the Working Visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Head of Badung Police Checks the Route Followed

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NASIONALXPOS.CO.ID, BADUNG ——–In order to secure President Joko Widodo’s working visit with the First Lady and her entourage to Bali Province, the Head of the Badung Resort Police AKBP. Leo Dedy Defretes, check directly the route or path that the entourage of the President of the Republic of Indonesia will take to the Buleleng Regency area. Tuesday, (31/1/2023) at 20.00 PM, Central Indonesian Time.

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The first route checked by the number one person in the ranks of the Badung Police, among others, was from the Badung Police Headquarters to the ambush and continued to Penarungan. Latu, Mambal Market, turn left Tinggas until the border of Gianyar Badung (Sigaran) then return to coordination at Mambal Market.

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The second route that was checked was from the Mambal Market to the Penarungan intersection, continuing to Gulingan then on the Taman Ayun tourist attraction route.

“Today we are doing mapping in locations prone to traffic jams to find alternative routes to unravel traffic jams on the route that is expected to be passed by the Indonesian President’s entourage.” Said Leo.

“The Badung Police and their reinforcements are ready to secure the route that will be traversed by the Indonesian President’s entourage during his visit to Bali Island.” he said. (Uchan)

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